The good news if you are planning email management (EMM) for ensured retention and defensible disposition is that you don’t need to be perfect – you don’t have to perfectly satisfy your retention demands. You do need to use the Principle of Reasonableness and act In Good...
In litigation and government investigations, there is the requirement on the part of those involved to retain all relevant information and records, and all other evidence. Failure to carry out this responsibility can lead to criminal charges of obstruction of justice and spoliation. It also...
Carl : Hello, I want to thank you for allowing me to interview you and for the record, can you provide my readers with some insight as to who you work for and with a description of your role? Student from London, England : I am a Public Health Consultant with an UK Ministry. Carl :...
For a successful project, you need a solid project team. These will be the staff that will do the work on the project, including: - Estimating, scheduling, and planning timelines, - Planning for required resources and risk, - Designing policies, processes, and technology...
Before looking for technology solutions for your Email Management program, it is critical to identify your platform and functional requirements. The first consideration is for platform-related requirements. These appear in a number of areas. Messaging application and version. ...
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A central theme in managing electronic records is having users capture, and store, their records in an ERM repository. This is an important consideration and one that can be successful. We often read that users will not do this activity, especially because there is no benefit in it for...
What are your functional requirements? First, consider your archiving requirements. Archiving-specific requirements might include: Whether the system supports single-instance storage of messages, Whether the system is to auto-archive, such as by age, Whether...
What are your Email Management platform-related requirements? These appear in a number of areas: Messaging application and version. Most organizations are standardized on a single type of email server. Even if this is not the case, the requirements should state which...
A central them in managing electronic records is having users capture, and store, their records in an ERM repository. This is an important consideration and one that can be successful. We often read that users will not do this activity, especially because there is no benefit in it for them. I...
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