If you work for or own a business you are creating content every day. You are also receiving content every day. Within the content there is metadata being generated both by people and by the systems themselves. Purchase Orders, Contracts, RFP’s, receipts, safety documents, leases, expense...
This post explains how to break the tape habit. We’re surprised at how many organizations use backup tapes as archives, to ensure that they are living up to their regulatory compliance and legal “duty to preserve” obligations. Your organization may be one of them. But...
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Several years ago, the water line feeding the ice maker in our kitchen burst sometime after the cleaning crew left on a Friday. The spraying fountain was discovered on Monday morning, after it had seeped under the kitchen walls and soaked the carpet under (and the contents in) a dozen boxes of...
Business users are demanding tools that allow them to work with content from anywhere, at anytime and with anyone. Extending on-premise ECM systems to users outside the firewall and on mobile devices, however, is flat out hard and expensive. It’s fraught with technical and business...
You don’t choose a career in systems development or content management for the glory. Oh sure, every now and then, you pick up a compliment (usually from another geek) but then there are those times when someone ruins your day with a comment. Last week, I got one of the latter. I won&rsquo...
Last week, like many businesses in Connecticut, we spent a few days without power at our office. The good news is that Tropical Storm Irene hit on a Sunday, and power was restored to our office by Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday morning, we were back to business as usual. Of course, we managed to...
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