Overview: Data Breaches & Implementing Proactive Security Policies Over the past few, there have been some very high profile instances of data breaches in environments of all types
However, access controls do not prevent a fully authenticated user from placing sensitive content in a place where it is inappropriately exposed. So for true security of data, a layered approach to data security that bases security on the sensitivity of the information (content) itself, or one that is “content-aware”, is required versus just looking at access controls
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It relieves organizations of the risks involved with storage and security of paper or microfilm documents, yet it is often forgotten that there are security steps which need to be taken after documents and data have been shifted to the Cloud
The second insight showed that the principal obstacles to moving to the cloud remain the same: availability, security and data loss. In regards to security, 80% of organizations were not considering a move to Office 365 because of the security issue and vulnerability of eMail in the cloud
Naturally, such a security breach is unacceptable under any circumstances...First, there’s physical security. This is exactly what it sounds like – literally securing documents
With toxic data, the security professional may not know where the sensitive data is stored, therefore struggles with deploying the technology to protect the organization
This sensitive information can include: personal information: birthdate, address, social security number, race medical information: medical history, allergies, patient health records, insurance information financial information: employment records, tax information, bank accounts These types of company, customer, or employee sensitive security information, logistical information, financial information, or even an improper address or phone number, may create privacy and/or security threats that could be exploited by a third party. Mishandling sensitive information can create unintended consequences that could carry civil or criminal penalties and fines, monetary damages, and even potential national security risks. Regulated industries such as healthcare, finance, public sector, oil and gas, or publically traded companies may face significant regulatory and statutory penalties for inappropriate or inadequate controls that lead to a breach
” [1] The definition of a CIIO in the Law is ambiguous and described as public-facing entities that maintain “critical information infrastructure that if destroyed, losing function or leaking data might seriously endanger national security, national welfare and the people’s livelihood…” Examples of the sectors subject to this definition include businesses operating in public communications and information services, power, traffic, water, etc., which may very well implicate multinational corporations (Multinationals). On April 11, 2017, the Cyberspace Administration of China released the draft Measures for Security Assessment of Outbound Transmission of Personal Information and Important Data (Draft Measures)
Be it arbitration, mediation or litigation, good information governance provides you with the security needed to protect your risks, be it market, credit, legal or operational
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