When many organizations make plans to implement Records Management, they focus on electronic records exclusively. Other organizations that are heavily paper based may focus on physical records management. Best practice using current technology is to combine both approaches into a common Records...
Building an effective capture solution – Part 2 of 3 (Capture/Processing/Transformation) Implementing capture software technology these days offers many new opportunities that simply were not available just a few short years ago. Just like other ‘traditional’ on...
Capture begins with process As a prelude to an upcoming series of blog posts I will be posting on the topic of “ Building an effective capture solution ” I wanted to preface these posts and focus on the question of ‘where do I start if I want to build an effective...
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Ever wondered how you got the technology right but gained no benefits? Ever wondered how you got the user acceptance and still see no benefits? Ever wondered how the best capture experts could not improve on a working capture system? Well, you have done no wrong, at least, not...
Napster, MP3, YouTube, iPhone and MySpace. You may be asking yourself “what does this have to do with document scanning?” In reality, not much, other than large file sizes, however when we draw an analogy between large audio files like those found on Napster such as wav files or mp3’s, video...
In the Enterprise Content Management ( ECM ) world content can exist in several places and multiple formats simultaneously. In this post I will focus on the aspect of Content Relevance. In subsequent posts I will tackle the challenge of keeping content synchronized and protected – with the...
Indexing, Metadata, Keyword, SharePoint, Capture, Scanner, Documents, ECM, Content Management What is wrong with the collection of words above? Well, it’s a collection of terms that are closely related but have no logical structure in order to be of value to anyone reading them. In...
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