Sadly, and I sincerely apologize to the three people who follow my AIIM Blog, my last post was about six months ago and discussed a now old (comparatively and when measured in Web time) technology called BPOS (Microsoft’s Business Online Productivity Suite). Well what’s old is...
I was in the midst of research around BPOS (Business Productivity Online Suite) when I saw fellow AIIM SharePoint blogger Rich Blank’s post on Microsoft’s online services offerings and thought, I guess the push to BPOS has started. I won’t go into detail as to what BPOS is, as...
It's Thanksgiving 2010 and it’s the time of year that many IT organizations are finalizing their 2011 budgets and strategy. One of the things on the radar screen for many organizations is Microsoft BPOS (aka as business productivity online suite which will soon fall under the...
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