It's an interesting time to be a records manager. Many of my blogging colleagues have noted the increased emphasis on information governance, and the prospect of increased regulation in the financial sector was a frequent theme at the AIIM 2010 conference last week. At the same time, a...
Knowledge Management seems to be making a come back. Like E2.0 or Web 2.0, KM 2.0 seems to be more about aggregating unstructured information with structured data (perhaps in a community, portal, team space, etc…). Perhaps the explosion of applications like SharePoint have once...
"The problem with measuring social media through last-click attribution is that social channels tend to engage people at the top of the sales funnel rather than right before they buy." Some of the points made by HubSpot's Meghan Keaney Anderson in her excellent...
"A positive customer experience can create a brand advocate who shares the experience with their network of family and friends. And it’s not just the network effect; studies show that customers who engage with companies over social media spend 20 to 40 percent more money with those companies...
What does someone do with this faux advice, sheathed in useless management 2.0 packaging? This is the problem with most conversations around social computing: people with absolutely nothing of value to say, with no more "expertise" in the arena than a new entry on their LinkedIn profile purporting to be the world's next social guru
I've been asked a dozen times to spend more time on Salesforce, our company's current CRM platform, and using its social utility, Chatter, to socialize with the extended sales and operations teams. The problem is that it just doesn't fit the way I work. I occasionally go into...
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