Records Directive Compliance Challenges Agencies will have to define their implementation plans and establish senior level support in order to fund and provide resources for their records management initiatives
Outputs from this stage might include detailed project plans, documentation of changes to requirements, the detailed system design including architectural diagrams and models, file plans, support plans, and the implementation plan. Step G – You then develop and implement the designs for the project or system
Outputs from this stage might include detailed project plans, documentation of changes to requirements, the detailed system design including architectural diagrams and models, file plans, support plans, and the implementation plan. Step G – You then develop and implement the designs for the program
But as far as that exercise gets you, it’s not the end point for E2.0 implementation planning, because if you hand this list of capabilities to IT, more often than not they’ll come back with a system that has every conceivable option available to deliver the capabilities you’ve listed: after all, this is what you’ve asked for, right?
As co-owner and managing director of Knowledge Strategy Solutions™, LLC, Shannon Spangler consults on E-Discovery support matters, conducts knowledge audits and develops knowledge strategies and implementation plans, and assists clients in implementing records management protocols
Multiple stakeholders and team members will be involved with the execution of the actual tasks, but by first identifying the objectives and implementation plan, you will put a stake in the ground that the team can work toward
On July 14, AIIM had an ECMjam to discuss questions around the continued relevance of enterprise content management, issues and implications of SharePoint, and various and sundry side conversations. Here are a couple of overall themes, and even points of agreements. Or you could skip down...
During his tenure as the CIO of the United States, Kundra published the “25 Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal Information Technology Management which included the original “Cloud First” push for the government to achieve IT efficiently
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