With the advent of high pixel density mobile screens on phones, tablets and phablets , there are still some unknowns as to whether the desktop and laptop computers will also include such high resolution screens. This new year will therefore probably involve updating your web sites to include support for these new types of screens, much like the last year involved removing or replacing Flash (and Java) applets
This project was an incredible one, because it was using a real person’s body (donated to science), that was frozen and then cut into thin slices, and scanned at high resolution to build a complete and realistic database of human anatomy
We have many educational articles to supplement each of these three components of a solution including some of the following: Building an effective capture solution: Part 1 of 3 (User Experience/Device/Interface) : Network scanning , mobile , multistream/color dropout Part 2 of 3 (Capture/Processing/Transformation) : High resolution scanning , forms processing , As a Service Part 3 of 3 (Storage/Business Policy/Workflow) : SharePoint , cloud computing , taxonomies/metadata Finally, if I could leave you with one bit of advice, or wisdom, from my industry experience is that in order to build a highly effective capture solution you should reverse-engineer the solution starting from the process and, ultimately, the choice of device and other considerations should be fairly obvious
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And probably one of the most appealing attributes of network scanners, are the large high resolution/color touch screen interfaces
It then tried to use the GPUs on the Windows platform because it was trying to address the problem of the netbook platforms that were using Intel Atom CPUs and that were not sufficient to playback high resolution video feeds now available on YouTube
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However, this high level of automation beings with high resolution scanning. The ability to drop a document into the scanners automatic document feeder and perform these advanced tasks has become a reality without the traditional sacrifices inherent to Higher Resolution Scanning
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