Forms Processing is a proven technology that allows organizations of all sizes to benefit by improving efficiency and decreasing operational costs
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Primary metric: A great metric is the NIGO (not in good order) rate – and you’ll be redesigning your forms process to reduce NIGO rates
In this blog I would like to share some little known, yet extremely useful, features that can dramatically improve forms processing automation and accuracy...Good question and the answer is to improve Forms Processing data extraction accuracy
In my book, Handprint Data Capture in Forms Processing, for example, I give more detail on data capture based on 18 years experience with the U.S
This was one recent finding from the study, “Forms Processing – user experiences of text and handwriting recognition”, which determined that most organizations forgo cost-saving automated recognition of handprint or cursive content in favor of manual entry, or simply don’t capture the data. The study, from Parascript and AIIM, can be downloaded at . Specific findings from the study highlight the opportunity for organizations to better capture content from forms
This data can then be routed to error correction stations before upload to the destination system. Forms Processing Forms processing takes Zone OCR to another level
Technically speaking advanced forms processing, or the ability to perform these sophisticated tasks automatically, is a reality that is available today and this ‘magic’ starts with high quality scanned images which most closely resemble the original document. In Automated Forms Processing applications there is a lot going on behind the scenes where a poor or good quality image dictates the success, or failure, among other related processes in the grand scheme of the document imaging system
Even with automated forms processing, bad data can get through
Develop the Business Case for Improving Your Forms Processes in 4 Steps #Scanning #OCR #mobilecapture #calculator #ScanningandCapture #ROI
Although there are unique cases, we regularly discover a handful of factors that, solo or in concert, prevent companies from getting as much as they can from their automated forms process. Scanner Hardware Scanner hardware is often a root culprit. When designing their automated forms process, we have seen some companies try to cut corners by sourcing scanners that aren’t production-grade (e.g., such as the ability to pre-process and correct captured images before they are sent on to the recognition stage)
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