Which begs the question: “Who is guarding the file cabinet?” Records managers aren’t saints, even if most have similar patience in order to deal with cantankerous uses
When you have paper files, for example, the file rooms contain file cabinets. A company could have, for example, five, four-drawer file cabinets for clients; a cabinet for vendors; a personnel cabinet; etc
Clearly when I see or told about the hordes of file cabinets and organization poses...The person who is frustrated with searching the file cabinets daily or responsible for applying retention schedules to physical records
And how you keep it will determine “where” you keep it ; electronic storage, onsite file cabinets or offsite storage
It took the department approximately 6 months to complete the 18, 4 drawer filing cabinets while processing the everyday paperwork
Storage Costs Paper files take up space and many organizations are forced give up their office space to file cabinets and boxes of documents
It really breaks my heart sometimes to walk into a building, see a brand new (or even an older) copier or multifunction device right next to a file cabinet full of documents to bursting
Reduce the amount of physical space used to store documents, such as file cabinets, boxes and shelving
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Client: “We keep them in the office file cabinets for years then we send them to offsite storage.”
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Document automation and OCR technologies are a critical part of this. Paper in file cabinets are very costly to review and collect for a case, but OCRd documents that are properly filed are easy to search and retrieve
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