First up is Dan Rosen, Director of Policy Analysis and Enforcement for NARA who presented Transforming Federal Records Management: OMB and NARA released the Managing Government Records Directive in 2012 to establish a 21st century framework for records management in the Federal Government
Goal 1: Require Electronic Recordkeeping to Ensure Transparency, Efficiency, and Accountability By 2019, Federal agencies will manage all permanent electronic records in an electronic format By 2016, Federal agencies will manage both permanent and temporary email records in an accessible electronic format Goal 2: Demonstrate Compliance with Federal Records Management Statutes and Regulations Agencies Must Designate a Senior Agency Official (SAO) SAO Shall Ensure that Permanent Records are Identified for Transfer and Reported to NARA
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The goals are two-fold: First to transition federal agencies towards a digital government, and second, to build a new infrastructure to help manage compliance with Federal Records Management Statutes and Regulations
The directive -- issued by the Office of Management and Budget and the National Archives and Records Administration on Aug. 24, 2012 -- has two primary goals: It requires agencies use electronic recordkeeping to ensure transparency, efficiency, and accountability, and that they demonstrate compliance with federal records management statutes and regulations
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