Before looking for technology solutions for your Email Management program, it is critical to identify your platform and functional requirements
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I thought it would be valuable to review a number of principles for email management. Not all of these principles will be applicable to all organizations or in all environments
The good news if you are planning email management (EMM) for ensured retention and defensible disposition is that you don’t need to be perfect – you don’t have to perfectly satisfy your retention demands
But as this is an email management-related project and program, it is helpful to have team members who are at least comfortable with email and technology generally
Requirements relating to records management and retention are common, though many of these requirements focus less on the email management solution and more on exporting messages to another system such as an ECMS or ERMS. Retention-related requirements might include: Classification of messages as records vs. non-records, Classification of messages according to an organizational classification structure such as a taxonomy or retention schedule, Retention of messages throughout the lifecycle, however the lifecycle is defined, Disposition of messages at the end of the lifecycle, Tamper-proof storage of messages, attachments, and metadata, particularly for those declared as records, and Integration of the formal records retention schedule into the client or messaging application, such that users either can or must declare messages as records. Email Management technology solutions are very powerful
What are your Email Management platform-related requirements?
I’m always struck by the difference between Records Management’s perception of IT processes and IT’s perception of Records Management processes. For example, I’m looking more closely at Messaging Records Management for Exchange Server 2007. As I read the usual sources and...
Facebook this week announced a new messaging system that encompasses and integrates email, instant messaging, SMS, and, of course, Facebook messaging. The idea is to bring together these previously-separate stacks of communication, and it’s a good one because (a) it reflects the way people...
Today, we’ll gaze into the maw that is email management, highlighting a story that is timed to coincide with Election Day tomorrow
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