Many of the thefts or losses cited are commonly a PC or other electronic device which is not listed but could be assumed that it might be a thumb drive or perhaps a mobile device such as a tablet or smartphone
The tech world is always looking for the next killer app that becomes so necessary that it can justify the purchase of a new consumer electronic device, be it a tablet or the latest mobile handset device
Information content often exists in one or (usually) more of the following media and formats: Electronic notes retained by use of an electronic device (e.g., on a laptop)
We all have a computer, smartphone, tablet or some other electronic device. The topic of Information Governance has exploded across the internet
Yesterday's tweetjam to generate ideas for how to use less paper was fantastic, with 98 twitterers tweeting away. Thanks to everyone for joining in. According to Tweetreach, our combined reach was 53,468 people. Pretty cool. A quick recap and then the transcript of the jam is below ...
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