Companies such as MaxxSafe, KPMG, and Corporate Combat have emerging practices with a primary focus on records that deal with personally identifiable information (PII) and other corporate information theft. PII has been a long-standing issue for Europe and continues to gain traction here in the US
AIIM True North would like to invite you to a webinar on May 27, 2021 at 12:00 PM ET. The presentation will be a case study of how digital ethics delivers business value and the key elements to develop a digital ethics framework. This webinar is eligible for 1.0 CEU . Please use the CEU...
05-27-2021 | 12:00 - 13:00 ET
The continuous expansion of the digital workplace makes it almost impossible to utilize your corporate information to its fullest potential
More importantly, when employees sync their phones to their own personal network do we have the proper containerization or other type of solutions in place to make sure corporate information is not synced as well? If a phone is lost or stolen, how do we make sure corporate information does not get into the wrong hands?
This week AIIM announced the availability of a Certificate program focused on best practices for adopting and implementing Microsoft SharePoint 2010 that goes beyond technology to the necessary strategies and structures required to in effectively sharing and managing corporate information using the SharePoint 2010 platform
Today's cloud storage services are great workarounds to the many current restrictions on sharing corporate information, and it is clear that something will soon have to give if organizations really want to bring that rogue content back into the fold
New features planned for OpenSocial 2.0 include embedded user experiences (allowing user interaction with content from external services), better support for Activity Streams, support for mobile experiences, support for OAuth 2.0 (better unified identity authorization across applications), and more open search capabilities (designed to prevent social applications from becoming new corporate information silos)
My goal this week will be to see who really “get’s it” and understands the implications and challenges of managing your corporate information in the Cloud
I download a really useful AIIM white paper that I use to develop our new corporate information security policy
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