The 900 pound gorilla cuts a fat two way profile in our community of SharePoint users. Mention obesity in a crowded server farm and that usually means that Microsoft has layered more arterial-clogging goopiness than your WAN can possibly carry. It's true. This one's going out to all you...
For example: A traditional on-premise system from a traditional ECM vendor (versus some of the new systems that are only cloud-based with no on-premise options) An ASP (application service provider) model (yes, they are still offered and still a valid option) A SaaS system hosted by the system provider (which may be on your premises) from one of the traditional ECM vendors A cloud-based application (which may be different from a SaaS implementation) from one of the new document management startups While the basic application requirements remain the same (versions, check-in/out, security, workflow, etc), which of the four methods for implementation is right for you?
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