‘SharePoint Governance’ means a lot of different things to a lot of different people and for the most part they are all just a little bit wrong! This post is the start of the global re-education of what ‘SharePoint Governance’ really is!
2 Comments - It gives a really good overview about SharePoint Governance. I was wondering if there is any template available on SharePoint Governance to begin with
With my background building and running project and product management organizations, I have some definite ideas about what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to SharePoint governance. Most of the questions I am asked on this topic actually have little to do with the technology, but in how to get one’s arms around this governance thing
I am honored to introduce you to the AIIM SharePoint Governance Toolkit...This toolkit is specifically designed for you to create your SharePoint Governance Plan in its entirety
2 Comments - The the link to the overview video in the powerpoint "Sharepoint Governance Video" doesn't work here
Out of this dialog came some great questions and comments about the origins of SharePoint governance, with some disagreements on its underlying business value, and its practical application
Instead, the implementation of SharePoint governance will surface systemic problems in the business itself
4 Comments - To be more succinct, your SharePoint governance is as much about the business as it is about the platform
But there's some truth there: "SharePoint governance" is more or less a tactical realization of your broader governance strategy...I don't believe in "SharePoint governance" but in enforcing governance within SharePoint
Previous posts: SharePoint Governance: How Much Does Your Organization Need and How to Enforce It The most daunting part of putting together a governance plan may be the step in which you actually attempt to implement it within your organization
lots of other organisations are getting SharePoint Governance fundamentally and absolutely wrong
SharePoint Governance has become a little bit of catch-all within not just community content but also content written by Microsoft, analysts and vendors alike...His definitions of the principals of SharePoint Governance really set him apart
This is a guest post by Jeremy Thake, AvePoint Chief Architect and Microsoft SharePoint Most Valuable Professional (MVP) (Note: This is part of our series “Collaborate with Confidence”. Previous posts: SharePoint Infrastructure Management: The Cost of Doing Business ...
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