Here’s the typical scenario of the rogue SharePoint installation: IT receives calls from “Team A” begging for some type of collaborative system to move a project along
As the CEO of ShareSquared, a SharePoint-centric consulting firm, I’m involved in both the business of SharePoint and the technology. My knowledge of SharePoint is based on real world experiences, over a 6-year period, from customers in many different industries doing very different...
In order to achieve those benefits, your SharePoint installation needs be governed – needs to have policies and procedures instituted that direct SharePoint to behave the way that you want
When SharePoint began to emerge as the intranet platform of choice, Microsoft touted it as a self-service solution. This is certainly true in terms of the myriad things a non-technical user can do in SharePoint without writing code. Along this line of thought, many companies also want to stand...
Over 60% of organizations have yet to bring their SharePoint installation into line with existing compliance policies
Mulling through tons of documents almost never anyone’s first choice of tasks, but cleaning out your documents will yield great benefits and will turn your SharePoint installation into a lean, mean, information finding machine
We’ve come a long way since the days of the shared drive but you can easily turn your SharePoint installation into an expensive shared drive without the proper management
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My point today is that even if your main reason for using SharePoint is to save money, you need to seriously consider what a proper SharePoint installation should cost, and you should start with infrastructure
In fact the migration of a simple SharePoint installation should be pretty straight forward but in the case where there have been customizations been made to the SharePoint applications which is more often than not the case then a customized SharePoint migration solution needs to be implemented
This will make the migration of these apps to Office 365 easier, and offers the same benefits to SharePoint installations on-premise, since the provider-hosted applications are running outside of the SharePoint environment in both cases
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