Left and right. Yankees and Red Sox. Throw an engineer a curve like kinda-sorta-maybe and you get one tuned out programmer dude
Tony is from Massachusetts, but don’t mistake him for a Red Sox fan. He loves Massachusetts though and lives there with his best friend Ronnie, who happens to be a pug
”* While this story came to mind while discussing the currently sorry state of my Boston Red Sox – “don’t get me STAHted!
One of the things that I love about not being a consultant (I used to be one) is that I can talk about failure. Some consultants talk about failure, but most will point out the ways the previous attempts failed before they were engaged. I get it, lead with your strength, but failure is a part...
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From the player (Gilbert Arenas' landmark blogging in 2006) to the team (the Red Sox using Twitter to give away free tickets during a rain delay) to the league (the NHL's tweetups ), social media has gone from being an innovative marketing tactic to a must-have component of any marketing strategy
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