Clair presented: Knowledge Strategy: Your Leadership Advantage. Engage, Process, Control are all fundamental goals of a corporate knowledge strategy, supporting business objectives and significantly reducing costs and legal risks. This panel discussion links knowledge strategy to these goals and describes how an effective knowledge strategy leads to organizational effectiveness and mission-specific success, while helping to reduce legal risks such as e-discovery and privacy breach. Panelists will also describe how knowledge strategy development connects to career success for AIIM members
Knowledge strategy is hard. Even explaining what knowledge management is can be difficult, even to a friend...To get ready, understand the difference (and why they are each important) between knowledge management, knowledge strategy, and knowledge services
Institutions of higher education recognize that RIM “has legs” and are adjusting their course offerings to reflect this (shameless plug: my own alma mater of Columbia University has a phenomenal M.S. in Information and Knowledge Strategy). While business faces complex challenges, we are in a better position now than ever before to meet those challenges head on
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Katrina (Kate) Pugh is Academic Director of Columbia University's Information and Knowledge Strategy Masters program and president of AlignConsulting, specializing in knowledge-based transformation
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Every day we have two choices 1)Take a risk or 2)Play it safe. The same is true with records and information management. Too often the focus is placed on “records” and not “information.” In the past no one would fault a RIM staff for managing the risk they know. With...
1 Comment - Institutions of higher education recognize that RIM “has legs” and are adjusting their course offerings to reflect this (shameless plug: my own alma mater of Columbia University has a phenomenal M.S. in Information and Knowledge Strategy). While business faces complex challenges, we are in a better position now than ever before to meet those challenges head on
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