Google is a company run by engineers
By now you probably heard all kinds of predictions: Google+ will take over the social space and gain Facebookers’ hearts with the new features, specially the ability to consolidate networks and manage privacy; Google+ is coming too late; Or, “what is Google+?”
I went there yesterday afternoon and realized that I would have to wait in line for 45+ min to return the router – the line went out of the service center, down the hall, and around the corner… Is there a lesson learnt here? Yes; from Apple, Google and a few other vendors
A great solution to consider for content management in the cloud is Google Apps . If you are not familiar with this service, Google Apps includes document creation and collaboration (as well as email, calendaring, video chat and more) for a flat $50 a year charge per user
Skype I use Skype to ping and call colleagues and partners, but also have conference calls and share presentations and documents with screen sharing. Google Docs I often use Google spreadsheets, word processing, and sites to share and collaborate on documents with friends and colleagues
But we're all active spectators at the Google mind reader circus...Here are my top three: Big Data Media Conference Q&A 1) What's the relationship of Google Suggest to Google Adwords?
Barely a hiccup and our declarations are now captured under Google house arrest. Co-opting half-formed curiosities into full-fledged ad words auctions is one insidious way that Google blurs the line between answering a need and monopolizing the response by sowing what it plants. That's one form of search media – Google as distributor and co-opting owner, cornering a marketplace of one
And if that is too much trouble for you, just get in line to buy or rent a Google Chromebook next month, which provides everything you need including IT support (which Google says you won’t be needing). “Google took another swipe at Microsoft on Wednesday when it introduced a new kind of computer called a Chromebook, which stores everything online
With the recent introduction of Google+, the big hype was around "Circles"...For those who actually use Google+ consistently, you already have seen how Circles allow people to decide who to share what with
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