As I outlined here , an effective defensible disposition methodology primarily consists of developing and then executing four major stages: The Defensible Disposition Policy The Technology Plan The Assessment Plan The Disposition Plan This post focuses on the third stage, the Assessment Plan
I just gave a talk on defensible disposition at AIIM 2014, and here are the main points (and my slide deck)
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Join Rich on April 3 at 11 in Orlando as he discusses defensible disposition during his AIIM 2014 Conference presentation
How to Start your Company ECM Program with Legal Document Management Immediately Stop Using Tape for Archiving Communications and Training (nothing yet) Example Problem: Defensible Disposition A 4-Step Methodology for Defensible Disposition Developing your Assessment Plan for Defensible Disposition Defensible Disposition in a Nutshell: My AIIM Talk #electronicdiscovery #governance #AIIM-Wisconsin #resources #ElectronicRecordsManagement #Milwaukeebar
Obviously, the results do not only apply to the use of Machine Learning in eDiscovery, but also to Legacy Data Clean-up, Defensible Disposition, and Automatic data classification in records management, enterprise information archiving and intelligent data migration from legacy systems to for instance the cloud
There is more than one reason to create a filing plan for your organization. Every business or program must address well-defined objectives which will add value, either directly to the bottom line or toward the achievement of the organization's goals and objectives. Records management...
Nowhere is this truer than it is with respect to the defensible disposition of records...Simply put, defensible disposition is our profession's win/loss record
6 Comments - In the comments, what you and Chris are discussing are two ROI's of informations governance 1)Increasing return on investment of information 2)Reducing risk of indictment caused by information Defensible disposition reduces the risk of indictment, but if we are not creating a high return on investment on information then we are only doing half the job
The good news if you are planning email management (EMM) for ensured retention and defensible disposition is that you don’t need to be perfect – you don’t have to perfectly satisfy your retention demands
The smartest thing I know about information governance and defensible disposition is this: concentrate on focused projects
The information explosion we have seen in recent times will continue at the same rate indefinitely. You are undoubtedly aware of Moore’s Law, named after Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel and co-inventor of the computer chip; according to Moore, computer processor and storage capacities...
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