One of the more confusing aspects of SharePoint is its Business Intelligence (BI) capabilities
I was recently speaking with someone whose background was all in business intelligence and data
Even with some level of unified communications, we spend a frustratingly large amount of time tracking down materials related to conversations, accounts and projects that we are working on. We may have project management tools, integrated email, calendar and voice tools, but they are primarily...
Truthfully, major corporations install powerful business intelligence solutions to increase the communication wavelengths between employee and client – this set-up gives companies flexibility without exhausting resources on expensive modules and prepares employees to the demand imposed by high standards brought by policies dependent on technology and transmission
Leveraging this dark data could boost business intelligence and open up opportunities to gain a competitive edge
The Business Intelligence Capabilities of SharePoint 2013 Business Intelligence (BI) capabilities in SharePoint 2013 are vast and in many cases are achieved with a combination of SharePoint and Microsoft Office or SharePoint and SQL Server’s capabilities . Note: For a review of Office 365's Business Intelligence capabilities in Power BI, review my previous post on a deep-dive of Office 365's Power BI
Data analytics, or Business Intelligence, has been around for a long period, although without the emphasis it is receiving now
Microsoft’s Power BI for Office 365 Microsoft Office 365’s Power BI contains a collection of features and services that enables organization to visualize data and share these discoveries in a very similar manner as SharePoint 2013's on-premise business intelligence environmental capabilities
The third category consists of system-generated business intelligence that you can use to further optimize your RM program and EDRMS investment
One of my favorite memes of the modern technology era are those funny texting autocorrect disasters , where people mean to say one thing, but the ever-helpful device replaces a few choice words to make the actual reply, once you've committed and hit 'Send,' something comical. It'...
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