It's why our Ottawa AIIM chapter came together to participate in-person as part of the recent Social Business Virtual Conference - nods and smiles, frowns and disagreements were the cues to start the discussion and ask questions
The second reason this event was such a success was it took place during an AIIM chapter event. I have been in the audience at several large conferences that addressed one or more of these three topics
They do community outreach to governments, schools and non-profit groups like AIIM Chapters. You won’t get to participate in the lively and sometimes emotional discussion that took place at our event at some strict time-limited presentation at a national event. This kind of experience is the product of your local AIIM Chapter – check out your next event and see for yourself
Training and travel budgets being what they are today, itโs silly to not investigate every opportunity you have, especially low-cost opportunities like an AIIM Chapter event. Another opportunity you should think twice about is the AIIM Conference
The marriage of sound theory, best practices and real life is exactly what you can expect at an AIIM Chapter event, and our event today was no exception
The training works for vendors, who constantly are hiring new salespeople, business developers, marketers, and even developers who need to learn about the industry, as well as end users and consultants. AIIM Chapters are still vibrant and relevant, and are the place to go in your region to connect with like-minded folks
These, too, are freely available to AIIM Professional members, AIIM Trade and Advisory Trade members, and training partners. For AIIM chapters, and chapters of other associations, we have developed a training toolkit that has a number of resources and ways to deliver CIP-related content, from "what is the CIP and how was it developed?
In the earlier years of my life, this was also true and still is to a degree, where meetings take place in a meeting room, or events are held and people with similar interests gather to discuss various topics of interest. The AIIM Chapter Meetings are an example of what I mean, yet today, technology has taken us beyond the physical and is moving us into the extended forum allowing us to use communications tools that bring us together in real time and delayed form
I have been a leader in several AIIM Chapter Leadership Conferences and developed the Chapter Virtual Leadership Conference process
Local ARMA and AIIM chapters are great, but they are very structured and aside from a social meet and greet time they do not facilitate brainstorming
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