Women in Information Management WIIM

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  • 1.  Equal Pay Day is March 12

    Posted 03-01-2024 15:58

    According to 2022 Census data, the wage gap for women compared to men is 84 cents on the dollar for full-time, year-round workers. When you look at all earners, including full-time, year-round earners + part-time and part-year workers, the wage gap widens to 78 cents. Equal Rights Advocates is organizing an Equal Pay Day on March 12th. You can find out more information on this event and how to support the effort here: Equal Pay Day - Equal Pay Today

    Equal Pay Today remove preview
    Equal Pay Day - Equal Pay Today
    Women's Equal Pay Day marks the day into the year on which it takes for women on average to earn what men did in 2021.
    View this on Equal Pay Today >

    Tori Miller Liu, MBA, FASAE, CAE, CIP
    President & CEO
    AIIM International

  • 2.  RE: Equal Pay Day is March 12

    Posted 03-04-2024 10:02


    Thanks for this information! I have looked at the page and there are multiple Equal Pay days that they are sponsoring. Women have begun breaking through the glass ceiling but we definitely still have work to do. 

    Sarah Lambert-Sheffield, CIP
    Lead Document and Records Management Specialist
    Fluor Federal Petroleum Operations
    DOE- Strategic Petroleum Reserve