Women in Information Management WIIM

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Share Your Feedback on WIIM Programming - Member Survey Open Now

  • 1.  Share Your Feedback on WIIM Programming - Member Survey Open Now

    Posted 11-23-2020 08:45
    Dear WIIM Community:

    The membership survey we conducted last year revealed your need for more programming.  We listened and worked hard to bring you a variety of programming formats covering a wide array of topics.  As we move into 2021, we want to hear from you regarding frequency, timing, and relevancy.  We would greatly appreciate you taking a few minutes to share your feedback with us as we turn to planning our 2021 programming!  The survey will remain open through Monday, December 7th.

    Please click here to take the survey.  We greatly appreciate your feedback!  

    Jessica Marlette, CIP
    Information Governance Counsel
    White & Case LLP