Women in Information Management WIIM

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End of Year 2020 WIIM Happenings

  • 1.  End of Year 2020 WIIM Happenings

    Posted 12-03-2020 10:56
    WIIM Circle: Pitch Perfect!
    Don't miss out on our last WIIM event for 2020!  Join us Tuesday, December 8th at 11 AM ET for the Pitch Perfect WIIM Circle.  Click here for more information and to register.

    WIIM Survey
    We also launched a membership survey and would love to get your feedback on all the WIIM programming we've offered throughout the year. Click here to review the post.

    On behalf of the WIIM Leadership Council (WIIM LC), we hope our sessions have been valuable for your professional development goals. We wish you and your families happy holidays!

    Jessica Marlette, CIP
    Information Governance Counsel
    White & Case LLP