Women in Information Management WIIM

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  • 1.  WIIM Happy Hour Tomorrow at 5:30 PM ET

    Posted 09-28-2020 12:51
    Join us tomorrow, Tuesday, September 29th at 5:30 pm ET for an informal get-together.  Bring your favorite drink and let's catch up, share experiences, or even brainstorm projects.  Click here to register: http://pbwt.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYpfuqoqz4pGtSp29MF7-7IVwDyALh1rdg-

    Jessica Marlette, CIP
    Information Governance Counsel
    White & Case LLP

  • 2.  RE: WIIM Happy Hour Tomorrow at 5:30 PM ET

    Posted 09-29-2020 14:28
    Sadly I will miss the happy hour today - it is in middle of my work day and weekly Team call that I lead ... if possible any other day except Tuesday I might make it, even if early in the day. Cheers - miss you all and hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Cheers!!

    Julie Harvey