I’ve long told my kids and my clients that my advice will work, but only if you follow it completely – cherry-picking the parts you like best won’t get you part of the way there. (You may have seen my video blog on this here.) And guess what? Recent academic research findings show that I’m right.
In the paper The Extroverted Firm: How External Information Practices Affect Innovation and Productivity, the authors (citation below) determined that organizations that pay attention to what’s happening in their external operating environment and decentralize both their organization and IT “are associated with significantly higher productivity. In contrast, firms that have only one or two of these organizational practices in place, instead of all three, are not more productive than firms with none of them.”
The authors conclude that “our results may help explain why firms that operate in information-rich environments such as high-technology clusters or areas with high worker mobility have experienced especially high returns to IT investment” – insight that in and of itself may be a useful takeaway for you. But the point I am making is that the research showed how adopting only some of the practices won’t move you forward an inch – you have to embrace them all if you want to achieve the desired result.
As I’ve been saying all along …
Research citation:
Tambe, Prasanna and Hitt, Lorin M. and Brynjolfsson, Erik, The Extroverted Firm: How External Information Practices Affect Innovation and Productivity (March 1, 2011). Management Science, 58(5), 2012, 843-859. 2012. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1304775
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