
Are "Systems of Engagement" Really All That New?

By Steve Weissman posted 02-15-2011 09:00


I believe there is validity to Geoffrey Moore’s notion that content management is moving away from “systems of record” and toward “systems of engagement.” At the same time, though, I do not believe the latter is really anything new! So I asked AIIM’s Director of Systems of Engagement Jesse Wikins what he thinks and have posted the resulting audio of our interview at Have a listen and let us know what you think! 

Here's are a few highlights:

• “Andy MacAfee, who’s widely credited with being the father of the term Enterprise 2.0, recently made this point: he said that regardless of what you call it, the idea of a business being social or becoming social is something that’s been around for 80 years.” Aha! So it really isn't new after all!

• “I think he would argue that what’s new is the ubiquity of the technology, the ease of use of the technology, all those things that make it so much easier for an organization to interact not just through official channels, but in a lot of cases through many unofficial channels.” Can't argue with this, as it's clear that today's consumer content technologies are now bleeding into the workplace, rather than the other way 'round as it's been for decades.

• “It’s not like you have to teach somebody the learning curve for a CRM or an ERP system. People ‘get’ Facebook; they ‘get’ Twitter.” Now all the needs to happen is for their companies to get Facebook and Twitter!

#ContentManagement #e2.0 #systemsofrecord #GeoffreyMoore #systemsofengagement
