Since we’re on the subject of security this week, it seems appropriate to mention a new list of Top 10 Cyber Threat Trends that includes four we regularly discuss here:
• Attacks via USB drives: as these types of drives become cheaper and more ubiquitous, malware and Trojans will spread on them. Many companies hand out USB drives at trade shows.
• Cloud computing concerns. As more data is distributed around the Internet in the so-called “cloud,” opportunities for data infection or theft will grow.
• Data exfiltration and insider threats. People will always find ways to anonymously leak private information.
• Attacks on mobile devices and wireless networks. This fast growing area of technology provides “unprecedented opportunities for cyber criminals.”
The full list was released this week by IP network protection vendor Narus, and self-serving though it certainly is, it reinforces everything we’ve been talking about these past few months: new technology plus human nature breeds expanded temptation and opportunity for mischief – and intensifies the need for security.
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