
Not Your Fault? Still Your Problem

By Steve Weissman posted 10-25-2010 09:08


If you have any doubt that having and enforcing document policies is important, then spend a little time on the political pages of your local newspaper or on the Web. Story after story depicts folly after folly, and a lot of the time, the issues underneath are just like yours:

  • Poor email management
  • Failure to enforce policy
  • Getting lost in the detail and forgetting the bigger picture

Today's post (and others to come) draws on recent political silliness to make a key point: namely that it is critical to extend your policies to the people and parties you work with on the outside, and to figure out how to get them to follow your lead so their actions don't get you in trouble.

The story involves a somewhat demeaning casting call for a Republican party TV commercial in Pennsylvania that made it easy for Democrats to paint the GOP candidate as someone who doesn’t understand the people. In the end, the Republicans pulled the ad, claiming it was for reasons of rotating in new ones. But damage was clearly done even though they weren’t directly at fault.

My 'lessons learned' can be found by clicking here. What say you?

#enforcement #ElectronicRecordsManagement #policy #Records-Management
