Remember when the government got compliance-happy a bunch of years ago (Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA), and smaller firms screamed because they knew they couldn’t shoulder the cost of compliance as readily as the big ones could? They really resented it, too, because it was the malfeasance of the big ones that led to the regulatory spate in the first place!
Well, they were right, for what can be chalked up to being a cost of doing business for a big firm can be ruinous for a smaller one, in no small part because large companies just have more employees to spread the costs over.
Perceiving an opportunity where one in fact may actually exist, most vendors purport to have offerings to serve small to medium-sized businesses – but the problem is that too many of them simply cut stuff out of their top-line offerings to fit them into the SMB box!
No surprise, but I have a few thoughts on this that are better spoken than written … so please pop over and listen to my audio blog (Internet Radio rocks!) at – I’ve done a lot of work for and around small to medium-sized business over the years, and I do worry about this ‘subtractive’ approach to compliance solution-building.
#HIPAA #ElectronicRecordsManagement #sarbanesoxley #compliance