
Content in Context: Why Dynamic Content and Content Choreography Is Critical to Information Management

By Sharon Foley posted 09-08-2011 10:50


According to a recent blog post, "Context is the key to providing Web experiences that deliver business results."  This is amazingly timely because next week Earley & Associates is starting a 4 part webinar series on this very topic.  Several interesting speakers are in the line up.  I know I am really looking forward to hearing Bob Boiko, author of the Content Management Bible, deliver his keynote in the first session.  If this topic is on your radar too you might want to check out the webinar.  Here are some details and a link to register:

Content in Context: Why Dynamic Content and Content Choreography Is Critical to Information Management

September 15 - Developing a Dynamic Content Management Strategy

September 22 - Content Choreography, IA & Search 

September 29 - Dynamic Content Processes and Information Management Governance

October 13 - Getting More Value from SharePoint Content - The Role of Taxonomy and Information Architecture  

Register (it is free)

Hope to see you there!




#informationmanagement #Taxonomy #metadata #ContentManagement
