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Your Information Governance Training Options: Comparing Content

By Robert Smallwood posted 06-29-2015 17:44


When evaluating your information governance (IG) training options, you must not only consider who authored the course materials, and who will be teaching, but also, the specific content of the course.  What topics are covered? What materials are used? Is there a textbook with documentation for future reference? Or just reams of printed slides in a binder? Are there guest speakers, educational videos, whiteboard discussions, or software demonstrations?

Below are the modules I teach in our online IG training classes, based primarily on my book, Information Governance (Wiley, 2014). The book is being used to teach IG at major universities like University of Oxford in England, U of Michigan, and San Jose State University in Silicon Valley. Additional and updated content is added each time the class is taught. Look at the content, the value, and the quality of instruction and make your own decision where to invest.

PRICING: Our live, instructor-led online IG Basics class is $298 (2 days) and IG Advanced is $497 (3 days), totaling 25 hours of virtual classroom instruction. Classes are held from 11am-4pm ET either T-Th or M-W-F, depending on course length. We are holding an IG Basics class online August 25 & 27. Register today at



  • Information Governance Concepts, Definitions, and Principles
  • The Onslaught of Big Data & the IG Imperative
  • Information Governance, IT Governance, Data  Governance: What’s the Difference?
  • Information Governance Principles
  • Information Governance Risk Assessment and Strategic Planning
  • Information Risk Planning and Management
  • ​Strategic Planning and Best Practices for Information Governance
  • Information Governance Policy Development


  • Information Governance for E-Mail and Instant Messaging
  • Information Governance for Social Media
  • Information Governance for Mobile Devices
  • Information Governance for Cloud Computing
  • SharePoint Information Governance



  • Review of IG-basics Material (Chapters 1-6, and 12-16)
  • Business Considerations for a Successful IG Program
  • Information Governance and Legal Functions (including ROT analysis, data remediation)


  • Information Governance and Records and Information Management Functions
  • Information Organization and Classification:  Taxonomies and Metadata
  • Information Governance and Information Technology Functions


  • Information Governance and Privacy and Security Functions
  • Long-Term Digital Preservation
  • Maintaining an Information Governance Program and Culture of Compliance

So if you are considering undergoing basic IG training, or bolstering your IG credentials with an advanced course, take a serious look at the content and value of the training options offered, and make an informed choice.


I am teaching live, online IG Basics classes next week: August 25 & 27 (Tu-Thur), and IG Advanced October 26, 28, 30 (M-W-F). These are the most comprehensive and up-to-date courses on IG topics available in the world. With our virtual classroom, you have no travel hassles and you get instructor-led training by the author of the leading book on IG, along with other industry leaders. Detailed syllabuses and our new pricing can be found here:

Come join us and let's learn together!

Try our special offer: More details are here:


Robert Smallwood is a keynote speaker, consultant, trainer, and author of 7 books, including the leading text on IG, Information Governance:Concepts, Strategies, and Best Practices (Wiley, 2014). He is a frequent blogger on IG topics, and is Managing Director of the Institute for IG at IMERGE Consulting, He teaches comprehensive courses on IG and E-records management for corporate and public sector clients.

Follow Robert on Twitter @RobertSmallwood and if we are not connected - please feel free to reach out!


