To some, information governance (IG) is a mushy term that isn't quite real. To those in the midst of the IG explosion, it is clearly gaining momentum and getting more concrete at an increasingly faster pace.
For those who think IG hasn't gotten its legs yet, just look at some of the developments so far in 2014:
1) The IG Initiative was formed with the support of 15+ vendors to foster the understanding and adoption of IG; also, the group announced the first "IG Exchange" conference to be held in early September;
2) AIIM launched an IG training program, and published the report, “Automating IG”;
3) ARMA launched its first IG Executive Conference (in conjunction with Sedona) and IG Certificate Program;
4) The first ever textbook on IG was published: "Information Governance: Concepts, Strategies, and Best Practices" (Wiley);
5) The American Bar Assn. held a "Information Governance, Electronic Discovery, and Digital Evidence" conference;
6) ing3nious, LLC added "IG" to the title of its E-discovery retreats;
7) The first ever conference dedicated entirely to IG (InfoGovCon) was announced and will take place in early September;
8) The Organization of Legal Professionals began delivering IG training;
9) IMERGE Consulting's E-records Institute began offering live, online IG training in HD video, based on the "Information Governance" textbook;
10) Thornton May published his first article on IG in Computerworld.
And there are more developments. Bear in mind all of the above have occurred in the first half of this year - not last year, or the year before.
So if you're looking for evidence that IG is "real" look no further - IG has arrived, and it is here to stay. Sure, it will continue to develop and Best Practices will evolve, but it certainly has gotten its legs in 2014.
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