One of the issues with working with documents on a Forms Based Authentication (FBA) site is that when you go to edit it you are prompted to login again (if you didn’t check the “sign me in automatically” check box). This prompt keeps happening while you are working with documents as long as that box remains unchecked. This can cause frustration for users who may only use the site rarely or not familiar with the login prompt issue. By default the box is unchecked and setting it to checked (i.e. Checked=”TRUE”) in the html code will not change it. You will need to add some JavaScript to make it happen.
To set the box to checked do the following.
Open up the login page and right click the page.
Choose View Source
In the source window, do a find on the words “Sign me in”
Copy the ID of the input control (i.e. ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$signInControl$RememberMe)
Open up the login page on the SharePoint server (in the _forms directory of the web site) with an editor.
Add some JavaScript to set the control to checked. You need to put the code below where the check box control is located. I recommend right above the </asp:Content> tag. The code should look something like this.
<script language="javascript">
document.getElementById("ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_signInControl_RememberMe").checked = true;
Save and test.
The reason for leaving it unchecked is for security, but if you are going SSL you should be fine. It is up to you to figure out if this time and trouble saving trick is worth the risk.
#SharePoint #FBA