In my last post I talked about that recently discovered, and charted, land called "CIP Land".
When I originally started writing that post, I had a vision of an island where each "knowledge domain" represented a part of the island, which further contained
representations of the "sub-domains".
And, that's when I drew the "map" that can be seen in that last post.
However, after I had written the post I realized that this "CIP land" was not an island.
An island, by definition, is not a continuous landmass, and is surrounded by water. With an island, there is no connection with other islands or, for that matter, with other countries (especially if you looked at the map I drew). It is separate from everything else.
This was very, very wrong.
The whole idea of an Information Professional, as defined by the CIP certification is,
(and as Jesse Wilkins desribed it in his post "
Are you T-shaped?"), someone who has a good, broad, knowledge of the different territories (knowledge domains), someone who has travelled the highways of the land, and knows enough to be able to get around each territory without the use of GPS, or SatNav.
They know enough about the customs of each territory, city, or village that they can communicate and interact, easily, with the locals of each area. If they need more in-depth local knowledge, they can hire a guide, but they have enough knowledge that they can see how each city, town, or village, interacts with the others.
They can see the "big picture".
But the whole idea behind this, is that CIP Land is isolated.
And this is wrong, because CIP land is not isolated. It makes up part of a "global" environment. It interacts with other "lands".
Think of it as a landlocked country in a continent made up of multiple countries (Europe for example). It takes advantages of its local talent, and specialized knowledge, but it interacts with the other countries. It requires them for services, and resources, that it doesn't have. Just as the other countries, in turn, require the local skills and resources that it can provide.
So, from this, you can see that "CIP Land" is not an island. It's a country. A country
surrounded by other countries. Information Management can't exist without databases, without networks, without hard drives, or storage areas. Hell, if CIP Land was an island, my friend, we wouldn't exist for long.
Clearly my map of "CIP Island" needs to be redrawn...