
The Managing Government Records Directive - What Does it Mean to You?

By Mark Mandel posted 09-04-2012 14:48


Below is an outline of the Managing Government Records Directive issued by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget on August 24, 2012.  The full directive is found at

This directive will have a profound effect on the management of government records and related business processes.  By the nature of it's impact on such a large sector of the RM market, it will have an effect on the commercial market as well.

How do you think it will impact your organization?



From OMB and NARA, August 24, 2012

SUBJECT: Managing Government Records Directive

This Directive requires that to the fullest extent possible, agencies eliminate paper and use electronic recordkeeping. It is applicable to all executive agencies and to all records, without regard to security classification or any other restriction.

Part I.

Federal agencies shall work toward two central goals.

Goal 1: Require Electronic Recordkeeping to Ensure Transparency, Efficiency, and Accountability

  • By 2019, Federal agencies will manage all permanent electronic records in an electronic format
  • By 2016, Federal agencies will manage both permanent and temporary email records in an accessible electronic format

Goal 2: Demonstrate Compliance with Federal Records Management Statutes and Regulations

  1. Agencies Must Designate a Senior Agency Official (SAO)
  2. SAO Shall Ensure that Permanent Records are Identified for Transfer and Reported to NARA. By December 31 , 2013 , the SAO shall ensure permanent records that have been in existence for more than 30 years are identified for transfer and reported to NARA.
  3. Agency Records Officers Must Obtain NARA Certificate of Federal Records Management Training
  4. Agencies Must Establish Records Management Training
  5. SAO Shall Ensure that Records are Scheduled


Part II.

NARA and other agencies (OMB and OPM) will take the following actions to assist agencies in meeting the two central goals of this Directive.

Section A: Require Electronic Recordkeeping to Ensure Transparency, Efficiency, and Accountability

Al        Revise NARA transfer guidance for permanent electronic records

A2       Create new email guidance

A3       Investigate and stimulate applied research in automated technologies to reduce the burden of records management responsibilities

A4       Embed records management requirements into cloud architectures and other Federal IT systems and commercially-available products

A5       Evaluate the feasibility for secure "data at rest" storage and management services for Federal agency-owned electronic records

Section B: Create a Robust Records Management Framework that Demonstrates Compliance with Federal Statutes and Regulations and Promotes Partnerships

B1       The Archivist of the United States will convene the first of periodic meetings of all Senior Agency Officials

B2       Create a Community of Interest to solve records management challenges

B3       Establish a formal records management occupational series

B4       Continue to improve the effectiveness of Federal records management programs through analytical tools and enhanced NARA oversight

Section C: Improve NARA Processes to Serve Agency Needs

C1       Improve the Current Request for Records Disposition Authority Process

C2       Overhaul the General Records Schedules



#InformationGovernance #Collaboration #RM #ElectronicRecordsManagement #BusinessProcessManagement #ScanningandCapture #Records-Management



09-11-2012 08:55

Mark thanks for sharing. It will be interesting to see what states follow along as time goes on and how that will effect all the different branches and agencies

09-05-2012 23:30

That's an aggressive schedule.
I foresee:
* Fragmentation
* Will not trickle down to lower echelons (which is a sort of fragmentation if you really think about it).

09-05-2012 17:45

It appears as though parts of this directive were lost in the cut & paste. For example Section A3.2 "By December 31 , 2014, the Federal ChiefInformation Officers Council, and the Federal Records Council, working with NARA, will obtain external involvement for the development of open source records management solutions". My analysis on this was published last week here:

09-04-2012 14:53

In order to move to a digital process that automates much of the records management process, RM must be built into business transactions. This means that RM must become part of a broader Enterprise Content Management or Enterprise Information Management infrastructure.