I am president of the Northern Virginia Chapter of ARMA (ARMA NOVA). We had our summer planning meeting this week, preparing for the upcoming chapter year that starts in September.
We agreed upon a theme for the year: "RIM 2.0, Opportunities and Challenges." The term "RIM 2.0" came out of our discussion about Enterprise 2.0, Web 2.0, and the challenges we face as RIM professionals with the new media. We barely have a handle on paper records, electronic records and email, and now we have to deal with instant messages, Twitter, Facebook and the rest. It creates a significant tension between collaboration and control.
In the discussion we discovered lots of "red meat" discussion points that will make for good fodder for our program year. For example:
What is a Record?
New Tools for the Same Bad Behavior
What is RIM 2.0?
How does RIM address the Cloud?
How do you manage Social Networks with RIM?
How will this change the RIM Profession?
What tools and standards are needed?
Collaboration vs. Control
I will address many of these topics in the coming months on this blog.
One discussion point revolved around how this will change the RIM profession. One board member made a very thought provoking statement: "In five years there will be no more RIM profession!"
She said this because she sees our profession evolving significantly with the advent of electronic records management and the changing requirements for retention based on electronic storage and the cloud, auto classification and the like. In our discussion we all agreed that major changes are coming, particularly the move to a role of setting and enforcing policy rather than the traditional filing room type of approach.
Soooo, what do you think?