I did a few controlled media cycles to measure the frequencies of Twitter mentions addressing SharePoint 2010. What was least interesting is the sustained buzz. It's fairly even without a whole lot of vascillation.
What holds our complete fascination? Arguably the biggest breakthrough in the new version is still largely ignored (or at least under-sung). More commonplace capabilities like search, records management, and even social media and workflows score higher in the SharePoint 2010 Twittersphere than the building blocks that make these applications possible.
Interestingly another nonstarter are case studies and best practices. Perhaps as the deployment engine starts to rev we'll see more concrete successes -- particularly in the measurement-defying success that couldn't be delivered in past versions. Yes, that's another plug for MMS (a.k.a. "managed metadata services").
Here are those counts and the search statements that counted them -- first by marketing spin and then by the applications most commonly associated with SharePoint platforms:
#metrics #SharePoint #metadata #MMS #buzz #socialmedia #InternetMarketing #twitter