I just completed a definitive focus group of one on the only topic that voters, clergy members, politicians, porn stars, cab drivers, and SharePoint communities really care about -- that's the economy, bud. 2011 is two weeks old and I've been contacted by two headhunters -- that's twice as many as the number of recruiters who remembered my cell phone in the last two years combined.
That's not because of who I work for, or the business I work in, but because of how I do my work. Yet if I mark "SharePoint" in that check-box the conversation can still wander off-script. There are not the same clean categorical boundaries you expect to see for SAP project engineers and Oracle DBAs. The fuller dimension of SharePoint roll-outs don't always square so neatly with requisitions. Open questions about who does what on the
content technology landscape doesn't always translate into open positions for those roles.
After all, how could I not be on my third migration cycle and not be a certified .NET programmer? How could I be responsible for connecting the IP dots at a global management consulting group and not have a cadre of developers architecting the integration of our backend databases stores with the one-stop web app shopping that's thrived for years outside these firewalls?
What I tell the headhunter I'll tell you: MMS or
Managed Metadata Services is the new lingua franca of information management practices, It's also the precursor to a whole host of roles and responsibilities around how organizations not only document what they do but do according to how well they document.
In short, how well an enterprise maps internal processes to metadata is the single biggest determinant for assessing IT implementations from a business results perspective -- not in GIGs per second, not in time-to-resolution, not even the cost per user. It's the ability to name and categorize an inventory of shop talk. Perhaps the best analogy for now is to liken MMS and information managers to the time-honored love affair between
spreadsheets and business analysts.
It's hard to even imagine the discipline without the tool, let alone the disciples whose success translates into revenues (and job requisitions).
#MMS #skills #rolesandresponsibilities #metadata #Jobs #SharePoint