And while this is more of an "ECM-ish" topic than strictly speaking an E20 topic, there are clearly overlaps, so I thought I would share some of the thoughts here.
Here's another take on the same subject. It's a
short video -- only about 8 minutes. I'd be interested in your take -- Where do you Agree? Disagree?
And for those who maybe have strange and bizarre corporate firewall limitations on YouTube (I would hope that as a recipient of an RSS feed for an E20 blog this is NOT the case, but I know from our recent survey work that a lot of these kinds of Luddite restrictions are still in place), following the video is a quick text summary of the points in the presentation…
Looking into the ECM crystal ball…
Where were we 5 years ago?
Where we are now?
Where are going in the next 5 years?
Where were we 5 years ago?
Cost and efficiency primary business drivers.
Not mentioned in AIIM 2005 Industry Study – SharePoint
Everybody believed it really was possible to “do” ECM
BB & H, Captaris, Captiva, Datacap, Day, eCopy, Hummingbird, Interwoven, Plasmon, Stellent, Tower, and Vignette were still independent vendors
Beginning of shift from archiving to process
Where we are now?
Back to basics
“ECM” as a term stressed
Quarter by quarter project focus
Email still out of control
World of “ECM” getting both bigger and more niched…
Basic DM and collaboration moving downstream
“ECM” expanding into information management
Where are we going in the next 5 years?
Cloud, cloud, cloud
Open platforms
Intelligent information
Big data and collapse of data/document walls
Increasing challenges with social/ad hoc content
#ECM #content #Management #E20