
Cheers to 2012 – A Year of Mobile Education and Contribution

By Joe Budelli posted 01-06-2012 16:19


I’d like to again welcome ABBYY USA CEO, Dean Tang, to the AIIM Community Blog to discuss trends and growth of mobile capture and information management. 

In 2011, our industry began to grasp the idea of document capture and OCR in mobile and cloud environments. While it certainly didn’t progress as far as I thought it would last year, there was a continual progression that saw individuals and businesses become comfortable with scanning documents of various types. Whether it was capturing information from checks, receipts, and business cards to initiate a process, or scanning whole documents with cell phone cameras to feed into backend enterprise systems, the way users interacted with information while on the go fundamentally changed.

My colleague, Kevin Neal recently discussed the difference of mobile consumption and mobile contribution, and I certainly agree that times are changing. While the industry as a whole has focused on the consumption of mobile content, there is a great opportunity to contribute information as well. With the continuous innovations that we are seeing in technology, contributing content via mobile phones is much easier, and I predict that this will be the trend that defines 2012. So long as we continue to educate vendors, integrators or end-user organizations, the mobile environment will continue to grow into a powerful mobile data entry point.

I’m looking forward to 2012, and seeing growth in mobile capture education and mobile information contribution. The education will begin at events like AIIM Con 2012, as well as various other industry events and announcements that I look forward to discussing with you as they unfold. In the meantime, what are you looking forward to in 2012 and what trends do you see in this bold new era of information management?

--Dean Tang

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