I hope you are enjoying the conference as much as I am. I’ve already met so many awesome smart people! As promised, I’d like to share with the AIIM community my key takeaways from the sessions I attended yesterday.
Opening Keynote Address - The Art of Enchantment - Guy Kawasaki
First of all, I think AIIM hit a home run on this one. I was so pumped up after Mr. Kawasaki’s session. He is influential, motivating and a down to earth presenter. An awesome way to kick off the conference.
My key takeaway is that we as information professionals need to master The Art of Enchantment. In order to do so, we need to be Likeable, Trustworthy and Dicee (ability to deliver great stuff at a high quality). It doesn’t matter if we are an end user or a solution provider. If we have these three qualities, we will be masters of the information community and all drive Maserati’s.
See Doculabs Lane Severson’s blog for a full recap of Guy Kawaski’s keynote http://laneseverson.com/2014/04/01/guy-kawasaki-enchantment-the-art-of-changing-hearts-minds-and-actions/I
Information Governance - Getting C-Level Attention - Pamela Doyle
This session was very lively and informative. I always have enjoyed the Round Table discussions because they are an awesome was to collaborate in person and gain real life experiences. The key to getting C-Level attention is to start with Quick-Wins. You need to figure out where the pain is in your organization and then exploit it.
See AIIM’s Bryant Duhon’s blog for some additional tips http://www.aiim.org/community/blogs/expert/AIIM-2014-e28093-A-Few-Quick-Day-1-Thoughts
Moving beyond ECM to Information Governance - Ed Hallock
Most of the discussion in this session focused on how organizations can enforce its retention policies across multiple repositories. Is it even possible? The general consensus was that in order for to be successful the process needs to be automated and actionable. We can’t continue to rely on manual processes any longer because they just don’t work.
I will build on this conversation in my Round Table discussion “Automating Your Information Lifecycle Process” on Thursday at 11:30am in Round Table C.
Final Thoughts
Just my two cents, please share your key takeaways from #AIIM14 Day 1 by replying in the comment section.
#Enchantment #information governance
#FileTrail #ElectronicRecordsManagement #InformationGovernance