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Member Spotlight: Elisa García-Morales

By Jessica Lombardo posted 12-28-2018 17:28

Before heading to Ecuador for the holidays, Elisa García-Morales met with us to share more about her work, excitement for IIM, and achievements. Elisa has been quite active in the AIIM community through WIIM, Standards, and GDPR. If you have yet to connect with her, please do so here.

Elisa Garcia-Morales, Founder, . Consultores en Información y Documentación

Where do you live in?

Madrid, Spain

How long have you worked in information management? 

More than 30 years!!! I started in the field of libraries and paper archives. I founded my first company in 1984 and since the late 80's I participated in the introduction of computer technologies in bibliographic databases, library automation, imaging, and file processing. In 1996, I founded and since then I have focused on consulting in knowledge management, records management, and information governance.

What does your work entail?

I work as an expert consultant. I usually start from the most strategic level by providing a holistic view of information governance and an action plan. In this type of strategic consulting, I always have the support of the top management of my client’s organizations. At the most operational level, I provide support in specific aspects such as information audits, implementation of ECM/EDRMS, development of record management systems and procedures, actions for knowledge management, taxonomies, and solutions to specific problems of information management or integration.

I think my work is essential in driving the digital transformation goals of today's companies.

What has been the biggest success in your career in information management? 

I could say that my career itself has been a success because it has allowed me to lead an exciting professional life by getting to know and helping in very different industries and public institutions and making fantastic friends among my professional counterparts.

I have lived marvelous and successful experiences in Latin America, for example, the complete transformation of the Superintencia de Valores of Costa Rica where we eliminated paper completely in 1998! The design of the information governance models of Ecopetrol (oil and gas Colombian leading company) and the Colombia Central Bank.

In Spain, I have also worked in many different industries (financial, transport, utilities, energy, etc). I've recently helped to define and standardize the records management processes of the leading insurance company in the country, and these have been successfully implemented in the 49 countries in which it operates. I have also participated in many electronic administration projects, most recently advising the Ministry of Defense in the development of its electronic document management policy.

What’s your current biggest work challenge?

I will start the year 2019 with a project to elaborate the policy and retention table of a global company in the Energy and Infrastructure sector with a global presence in more than 20 countries. Also, I intend to work with a group of Spanish experts in blockchain to study the impact of this technology on the creation, trustworthiness, and preservation of records.

What does Intelligent Information Management mean to you?

IIM is a term that tries to provide a vision of the future on how the management of information and content should evolve more in line with the evolution of the technological ecosystem in which we currently move (IoT, AI, Blockchain, BIM, Full3D, Spatial imagery). As much as it may be said, to this day, intelligence is a human quality and we will need much of it in order to face the challenges we face.

Unfortunately, AIIM does not have a chapter in your area, however, you’ve been active in a couple of Special Interest Groups—including one focused on Standards and the WIIM program. How can these virtual groups best serve AIIM members throughout the world, especially in areas without chapters?

Many times our day-to-day work does not allow us to appreciate the wealth of resources that we have in AIIM or to allocate time to participate. The groups work if participation works, and in my particular case, the experience has been really good. I would be interested in a Spanish-speaking chapter; I believe that professionals from Latin America and Spain have many interests in common and communication will be easier.

You have a long career in information management and are now considered an expert in some areas. How has being a woman in this industry impacted your journey? Any advice for other women?

When I started my business, women in Spain could not apply for credit in banks without the guarantee of our husband or our father. Fortunately, I belong to a generation that has fought hard for things to change. I love to see today's young women much stronger and more self-confident. I firmly believe that women should help each other professionally and that they should be ambitious and fighters against unjust situations.

As it’s now 2019, what’s one thing you’re looking forward to in the new year?

In my professional life, I look forward to new projects and stimulating challenges. Personally, I would like to have more time to be with my loved ones, to read, travel, go to concerts, listen to opera, watch movies, ride a bicycle, walk through nature, cook... I have too many hobbies:)

