If you have not yet heard, AIIM's community is forming an ECM group to help those with ECM initiatives. Think member to member conversations and a library of shared templates. There is a group working to launch the community in January, but it took one member to first suggest forming such a group and that member is Tom Wellman. From our first conversations, Tom was dedicated to not only hatching the idea, but committing the hours needed to make this happen. If you missed the discussion about the idea, definitely watch this quick VIP presentation.
It's AIIM great pleasure to introduce you to Tom Wellman, Records & Information Manager, State Board of Administration (Florida)
Where do you live?
Tallahassee, Florida
How many years have you been an AIIM member?
3 Years
What led you to information management?
I have always had an interest in information and documents, going back to my teenage years, even though I did not realize it then. After college, my first job was working for the U.S. State Department in London, working in communications, and that is when my professional interest in information management started. Later, during graduate school for librarianship, I discovered I could have a career in Information Management.
Do you think the role of the records manager is changing?
Yes, I definitely do! I believe the role is expanding – beyond the traditional areas into exciting areas such as information governance, data mining and digital preservation. It is a great time to be in records and information management!
What has been the biggest success in your career in information management?
Helping people – solving problems and getting that positive feedback is really fantastic. I have worked for several organizations, and I have always been able to help offices with thorny or frustrating records problems, and this makes my job worthwhile.
What’s your current biggest work challenge?
Breaking down silos. Again, in every work situation, I have encountered silos that really hinder the sharing of information and the adoption of new technology. Breaking down these entrenched attitudes is always a major challenge.
In the fall, you presented in the AIIM VIP Lounge on the January 2018 launch of an ECM community, can you tell us more about this idea and what the community strives to achieve?
I want to create a community that can help every organization – large or small, in any business area – adopt an ECM solution. I have found that most organizations are on their own when proposing and building an ECM solution (my organization included) and I wanted to build a community that could share experiences and answer questions to make ECM adoption easier for everyone – practitioners as well as vendors.
If you could ask any question to the AIIM audience with the hopes of solving an issue, what would that be?
What has been successful for you? Sharing experiences and tools always helps.
What are the top 3 things you have gotten out of being a member AIIM?
- Networking
- Training
- Keeping Current with IM Trends
What are you most looking forward to this holiday season?
Reconnecting with family and friends – I live away from many family and friends and only see them during the holidays.
Happy Holidays to you and your family Tom!