
The AIIM Conference is a Hit

By Jeff Shuey posted 03-22-2012 23:02


Ladies and Gentlemen

We have a HIT on our hands.

After a few years away under the guidance of another organization the AIIM Conference is back with a Vengeance. The AIIM team pulled out all the stops and put on a fantastic event this week in San Francisco.

Congratulations and Kudos to the AIIM Team

You know who you are, but a few people need to be called out. We heard from John Mancini, President of AIIM, about how the whole team pulled together to create this inaugural event. He told us that Georgina Clelland was the mastermind pulling the strings to keep everything going. She is a rock star. I also saw great things from Beth Mayhew,Carl Weise, Hermoine Wellman, and Nataliya Andreyeva (thanks for the compliments on my Aloha shirt).

Of course, there were a lot of people working both behind the scenes (and in front of them too) in order to keep an event like this moving forward at full speed. The great news is that people were smiling and happy to share their tales about the way they manage information in their organization. The sessions were extremely well attended and the speakers were top notch. I’ll be writing a follow on post (or three) about some of the keynotes and the sessions. But this post is all about the great work the AIIM team did for Bringing Sexy Back to the AIIM Conference.

Betsy's Table of Rock Stars

On Wednesday evening I attended the AIIM Awards dinner. I ended up sitting at Betsy Fanning’s table. I guess I should have expected it, but little did I know when I sat down that EVERY person at the table was an award winner. Congrats to Anydoc Software, Greg Pisocky and Leonard Rosenthal. It’s great to see your contributions to the industry being recognized.

The Keynotes were FunFormative

I liked the format of an afternoon start on Tuesday and the way Keynotes occurred both in the morning and the afternoon on the other two days. I thought this allowed people to pace their day so that all the great information (and entertainment, especially with David Pogue) was allowed to soak in. I’m calling the keynotes FunFormative --- because they were fun yet informative.

If you were at the AIIM Conference you know what I mean. If you weren’t you should think about attending next year. Especially if your job has anything to do with capturing, managing, processing and archiving information. Whether it’s Social, Local or Mobile.

Congrats to the AIIM team

You did it!

See you next year in New Orleans

#ECM #SoLoMo #Pogue #Event #information #ScanningandCapture #AIIM #ElectronicRecordsManagement #SharePoint #AIIMConference
