
EMC Q4 2012 results: IIG/Documentum disappoints fans

By Hemant Prasad posted 02-08-2013 08:56


EMC has announced the Q4 2012 results on Jan 29, 2013. I was curious to know about IIG/Documentum's performance in the year 2012 and as expected it disappointed the Documentum fans.


While EMC has registered a 9% Y/Y positive growth, IIG has registered approximately -3% negative growth compare to 2011. Though the year has been eventful for IIG wherein they acquired Syncplicity and announced major releases of Captiva (7.0) and Documentum (7.0) and xCP (2.0), but it didn't really translate into $$$ to keep the financial strength up for IIG, which might be worrysome for Documentum customers and partners once again about it's future within EMC.


Following is the comparison chart of EMC IIG earnings for year 2011 and 2012, which translates that they have performed poorly both on product revenue as well as consulting revenue front.




Few more interesting points I've noted from EMC CFO presentation is that:

1. Slide 5: EMC's focus in only on Cloud and big data and Content Management doesn't exist anywhere in the commentary.

2.  Slide 10: Though APJ region only accounts for only 14% revenue, but the Y/Y growth is highest at 19%, where IIG has not registered any significant Documentum deal in year 2012.


I also came to know from reliable sources that SourceOne (S1) and Kazeon are no more a part of IIG offerings and has been moved to backup and recovery division. Does this translate into IIG's exit from archiving and eDiscovery offering, or is it just an internal arrangement to get rid of less-revenue making products from IIG's portfolio.


So the future of Documentum remains unclear within EMC and year 2013 will be deciding period for its future while the tough competition remains from big players like Oracle, OpenText, FileNet and emerging regional players.

#EMCDocumentum #EMCIIGQ42012results #EnterpriseContentManagement
