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Office 365 Groups support teamwork

By Haaron Gonzalez posted 07-19-2015 03:22


Welcome to my AIIM blog. This is my first post here and I really hope we can connect and share opinions about how organizations rely on collaboration and communication to get work done and achieve compelling results.

Today, I want to talk about "Groups" in Office 365 one of the most recent innovations, which in my opinion, brings a balance between the tools and information needed for a team for ad-hoc  communication and collaboration.

Groups offers an improved alternative to collaborate in a team, since it allows people to quickly organize information and use modern technologies in order to simplify communication, no technical knowledge is required. In fact, Groups remove the friction that technologies introduce into the process of teamwork. Think about that one.

Without going into many details, companies today face challenges to rapidly integrate work teams and take advantage of the knowledge that people bring in the table, especially when they are distributed geographically. Of course we have SharePoint, Exchange, One Drive and Skype for Business for helping people communicate and collaborate together, but Groups simplify the way those tools work and interact together to support teamwork communication and collaboration.

So, if you are an Office 365 user, go to your Mail app and create a group, the results will be a page with the following feature set:

  • Group conversation Newsfeed
  • Group shared calendar
  • Group file repository (One Drive with full Office Web Apps)
  • Group Notebook

Group’s architecture will allow us to include other tools as part of the Group page. So you can image a SharePoint Document Library or a Yammer Newsfeed as part of the Groups integrated tools set, that’s coming soon. 



#SharePoint #office365 #Collaboration



07-23-2015 02:33

John, thanks for your comment. Not only Yammer has a place in Groups, but also other cloud service can be integrated. Look for the Office 365 Groups building blocks diagram where you can see the supported technologies, but most importantly notice the "..." block, there is going to be a well define API or service interface so developers can plug customization

07-22-2015 13:00

Haaron -- good post -- thanks -- Any sense of how the future of Yammer and Yammer groups fits into this?