
Mobile Is the Future

By Dennis Kempner posted 04-27-2016 12:35


There is no doubt mobile is the future. In fact since 2012, mobile internet use has been greater than traditional desktop use. Almost 3.61 billion of all internet access is through mobile devices and  this number is only predicted to grow. Two factors will drive the need for mobile use at companies.

One, globalization is rapidly occurring. Many companies, at least in some capacity, do work off-shore of the United States, whether it be international offices or international virtual employees. Much of the world never built the infrastructure needed to support traditional internet and phone access. Internet happened much too quickly for the world to catch up. But those companies are building many, many cellphone towers. These towers are especially common in the BRIC states (Brazil, Russia, India, and China). A fair majority of mobile users are in these countries and most of their internet access is through mobile.

Secondly, the United States economy is itself shifting. Millennials just overtook Baby Boomers as the largest generation alive and are soon to eclipse them in the workplace as well. As the “so-called” digital natives and first generation to adapt this technology so quickly, they are huge mobile users. In fact almost all of their traditional media comes through mobile devices using Netflix, Spotify, and web news. As they continue to rise to positions up the ladder they will be replaced by even younger generations. These generations, specifically generation Z up next, barely remember a time without technology. In fact the first iPhone was released while they were in elementary school. They are a continuing pattern of digital natives that will continue to use mobile devices at a higher and higher rate.

As a company, it will become increasingly important to adapt to these trends. By being an adapter or even better a leader, you can get ahead on the digital curve creating more profitable and impactful brand. This transition has been in motion for a while and you do not want to be left stranded not the other side.

